
Access all of Our Sermons Below and On YouTube

Lead Pastor

Stone Moss

Welcome to our messages section, where you can find the passionate and energetic messages delivered by our lead pastor, Stone Moss. As the founder of our church, Pastor Moss has consistently provided our community with sermons that are not only enlightening but are also bursting with energy and fervor.

Featured Message

Healthy Habits Week 1

In today’s ever-evolving world, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes overlooking the importance of maintaining good health. But did you know that God desires for us to be healthy, not just spiritually, but also physically and mentally?

Most Recent Messages

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Why You Should Forgive

Pastor Stone Moss highlights the importance of forgiveness, referencing Luke 17:3-4, where Jesus teaches us to forgive repeatedly. He explains that forgiveness is for our benefit, not just for others, as it brings us closer to God’s grace. Colossians 3:13 reminds us to forgive ourselves. By forgiving, we reject the right to seek revenge, allowing God’s peace to heal us.


Navigating Spiritual Disconnect

In the sermon “Navigating Spiritual Disconnect” by Stone Moss, based on Revelation 2, he emphasizes that God recognizes our perseverance but warns against forsaking our first love. This spiritual disconnect is common among both spiritual figures and regular people and is not a cause for God’s anger but a call to self-reflection. To identify if you are experiencing spiritual disconnection, evaluate how you spend your time, consider the presence of sin, and assess whether you are stagnant and not growing in your faith.


Take a Step Push The Boundary

Justin Fasnacht’s sermon, “Push the Boundary,” explores the theme of pioneering evangelism and the call to spread the gospel to all nations. The key scripture for the sermon is Matthew 24:14, which states, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


Parenting With Purpose

Kris Drew’s sermon, “Parenting with Purpose,” focuses on the essential role parents play in shaping their children’s spiritual lives. The key scripture for the sermon is Ephesians 6:4, which says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”


5 Responsibilities Of A Father

In the sermon titled “5 Responsibilities of a Father,” the pastor emphasizes that as children of God, based on Romans 8:14, we recognize God as our ultimate father and progenitor. The first responsibility highlighted is that, as our progenitor, God sets the example from which we learn and grow. Additionally, the sermon underscores that fathers are to be peacekeepers in their families, mirroring God’s role in bringing peace and stability to our lives.


Priorities Of Parenting

In the sermon “Priorities of Parenting,” the speaker emphasizes that if parents do not clearly define their priorities, the world will inevitably shape them. Drawing from Psalms 127, he highlights the importance of building a strong, faith-centered foundation for children. Step one is to love God, as prioritizing spiritual growth and godly values will guide children towards a fulfilling and purposeful life.


The Breakdown of a Blessing

In “The Breakdown of a Blessing,” guest speaker Mike Santiago emphasizes the importance of initiating generational blessings, suggesting that it can start with each individual. He references 2 Timothy 5:27 to underline the necessity of ensuring our faith is carried forward to the next generation. Santiago encourages a spirit of faith that we need to pass down, ensuring the continuation of our beliefs and values.


Anchored To Hope

In “Anchor to Hope” by Stone Moss, the sermon emphasizes the necessity of hope in facing the inevitable storms of life this year. Drawing from Hebrews chapter 6, Moss explains that hope acts as an anchor, securing us to God’s promises. He reminds us that if God removed the storms, our sense of deliverance and faith wouldn’t be as profound as experiencing His deliverance through them.

Associate Pastor

Kris Drew

Meet Pastor Kris Drew – a beacon of faith, wisdom, and spiritual insight. As the Associate Pastor, Kris has been an integral pillar of our community, offering guidance, support, and a fresh perspective on timeless teachings.

Featured Message

I Am More Than A Conqueror

We uncover the deep-seated strength and resilience woven into our very being. Drawing from sacred scriptures and life-affirming stories, this message is a powerful reminder of our innate capacity to rise above challenges and emerge triumphant.


"Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or Imagine. According to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20


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